This file is part of EC-CUBE
Copyright(c) EC-CUBE CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
file that was distributed with this source code.
<ul class="plugin-ver col-12 mb-4">
{% if not item.price %}
<li class="row"><span class="fw-bold col-7 col-sm-6 ps-0">{{ 'admin.store.plugin.detail.download'|trans }}</span>{{ item.downloads|number_format }}</li>
{% endif %}
<li class="row"><span class="fw-bold col-7 col-sm-6 ps-0">{{ 'admin.store.plugin.detail.version'|trans }}</span>{{ item.version }}</li>
<li class="row"><span class="fw-bold col-7 col-sm-6 ps-0">{{ 'admin.store.plugin.detail.support'|trans }}</span>{% for version in item.supported_versions %}{{ version }} {%- if loop.last == false%}, {% endif -%}{% endfor %}</li>
<li class="row"><span class="fw-bold col-7 col-sm-6 ps-0">{{ 'admin.store.plugin.detail.public_date'|trans }}</span>{{ item.publish_date|date_day }}</li>
<li class="row"><span class="fw-bold col-7 col-sm-6 ps-0">{{ 'admin.store.plugin.detail.update_date'|trans }}</span>{{ item.update_date|date_day }}</li>
<li class="row"><span class="fw-bold col-7 col-sm-6 ps-0">{{ 'admin.store.plugin.detail.license'|trans }}</span>{{ item.license }}</li>
<li class="row a"><span class="fw-bold col-7 col-sm-6 ps-0">{{ 'admin.store.plugin.detail.develop'|trans }}</span>
{% if item.author is not empty %}
{% if item.author.url is not empty %}
<a class="col-auto ps-0" href="{{ item.author.url }}" target="_blank">{{ item.author.name }}</a>{% else %}{{ item.author.name }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}